Thursday, 11 December 2008
Latest News
Thanks to everyone who contributed, we really are grateful that you have enabled us to put something back into the wonderful NHS. The odd amount is the Gift Aid, which takes time to calculate and to come through; but I plan to finish this Blog only when the Microscope has been bought and photographed, which may take a while more yet.
Thursday, 2 October 2008
Back in London
What I realised, going round the various Mozart locations in

They had also calculated his income in his heyday, showing it to be compatible with that of a Nobleman, and I didn't know that the current theory of his getting into debt was from gambling, both legal and probably (not mentioned in his letters) illegal.
Mozart lived his life to the full in many ways,

Meanwhile Vienna, like Salzburg, makes as much money out of the man as possible. I wonder what he would think of the kitsch surrounding him? I tried to get him on the EtherealNet in Austria but without success - internet access is not so common in rural Austria, and there are still electric typewriters on people's desks there. But here in London - wait a minute, something's coming through... could it be the man himself?
I'll try the question - what do you think of all

I suppose we too are exploiting Mozart, using him as a hook for our fund-raising effort. We are aiming to raise £14,500 for a neurological teaching microscope and other ancillary hospital equipment, and already have more than 90% of that. If you feel able to help us give something back to the NHS, which helped us in our hour of need, that would be great. There is a donation page at, with some more details about the charity and the fund, which stays open until November 1st.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Section 4: Lilienfeld to Vienna
The forecast for the next day was better, so we chanced things with a last

After that we were in the WienerWald - lower country, more like the
And we arrived at the Schonbrunn Palace at 5pm.
We're feeling a bit of anti-climactic now, with the end of the walk, but this afternoon we're going to visit various places associated with Mozart around the city, and then tomorrow (Sunday) night we get on the train home, and back to London life, probably by Monday evening. After that Jeremy will do a final post on the trip and the fund. Thanks for reading this!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Section 3: Waidhoven to Lilienfeld
We left Waidhoven in gloom, but not actually raining; on our rest

We did go South towards the bigger mountains. Pastoral Austria

But we never leave Mozart, and Di might do this next bit.....

Yes, here I am - we met some very helpful people in the Tourist Office in Gaming, once they'd sorted out our accommodation, the Chief Clerk said he had a tip for us: the organ in the Gaming Church had been bought from Ybbs, where Mozart had played in it! So here it is. We got into the Church, but the organ loft was locked, so I couldn't play it. But it was nice to think that he had. Jeremy said to the Chief Clark that we'd seen the smiling face of Austria, though he was sure it also had its dark side. He replied, with a laugh "yes, we keep it well hidden!" Another aspect of Austria is the German language - 'am bach' means on the stream, so I keep seeing place names like mine, including one Dambach, and another Schrambach. No I don't have any German ancestry. Now back to Jeremy...
One day between Gaming and Puchentsuben, going

Which comes next. We've decided to walk right into the centre, suburbs don't count. Will we do it? Yes!
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Section 2: Ebensee to Waidhoven

The big lakes have gone now, small ones only. (Still beautiful, though.) There are still

The Gasthofs are lovely - big houses with lots of flowers, balconies, etc - but sometimes they are hard to find, and we have had to take a taxi or bus down the road off the trail. Then next

They are also puzzled about the sponsorship aspect. That word isn't in our Lonely Planet phrasebook, though we do have the German for 'I want to see a lawyer' should that be necessary. Also, I don't think they have so much sponsored events as we do.
Talking of sponsorship - the money for the Microscope has already been raised. The extra is for ancillary equipment such as a pupil measuring instrument. Diana's surgeon (who has incidentally contributed to the Fund) has said that on consulting with the nurses, they said that what they really wanted was a Bladder Scanner, so they could avoid catheterizing patients unnecessarily. Not as glamorous as looking in Pupils! But I imagine that you are, like me, happy for the money to go where the professionals want it. The only stipulation I would make is that the decision should be made by people on the front line, i.e. Doctors and Nurses, rather than by people sitting behind a desk.
Di here - I saw the word for sponsorship on a poster: Co-operationpartner! However, I've been thinking more about

Back to Jeremy, and back to our walk. We will succeed, as long as we don't fall ill, over, or something gives way. Always a possibility! Later this week we have to decide whether to take a low or high route, which will depend on the weather and our taste for adventure! Next planned rest day is Lilienfeld in about a week.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Section 1: Salzburg to Ebensee
On a walk like this, what we do every day is walk. We stop for food,
But after that we tried to traverse the Hollengebirgemassif - horrible name for a horrible mountain! We walked and scrambled up one end for about five hours to reach the Hochlecken Hutte. I was so exhausted I could only drink gallons of orange soda - couldn't even manage a goulash soup, which those who know me will agree is very unusual. When we saw it was billed as another five hours to the next hut we bailed out, and descended 3,000 feet to go round the side. I've started a 'Stress Level' rating for each day, out of ten. It's a complex calculation of physical and emotional effort counting plus, and exhilaration and wonder counting minus. That day came to 9.5; had it been 10, I wouldn't be here writing this!
I took just one photo that day, of Di reaching the hut. It just looks perfectly ordinary. The best piece of music I've found of communicating the actual feelings we've been going through is the Strauss Alpine Symphony. We listened to it the other night on my iPod, and I find myself humming appropriate bits at different psarts of the walk, depending on what's happening. We haven't had a storm yet - the weather is being very kind - but I've experienced confusion, excitement, pleasure, confidence, doubt, exhaustion and joy, and they are all in that piece. We've got the cheapo Naxos version, which is basically fine, though the cowbells are wrong.
Not forgetting Mozart, weve been visiting him and his Mum at St Gilgin. I'll talk more about him next time; I'm trying to get him on the EtherealNet, but for now that's it.
The next step is to Waidhoven an der Ybbs. Seven days, and I'll try to write again. GrĂ¼ss Gott!
Monday, 1 September 2008
Getting Started
OK, I know it's corny, but here we are outside the Mozart Birth House.
There IS something corny about Salzburg; yes, it's pretty, but it's like a Museum, and a not very well curated one at that. Most of the material in the birth house covers things he actually did in Vienna. Mozart is their cash cow, and they are milking him for all they are worth.
The other exhibition is better - this is the one in the house he lived for four years or so - and I did learn some things about his travels. He spent one third of his life travelling, and covered many thousands of kilometers. And his travels were so much more adventurous than ours; he once travelled through the mountains to Italy in the winter, saying that all they had at the inns was potatoes and broccoli. In our trip, the worst thing that's happened so far is that the Salzburg hotel wasn't where we thought it was - hardly the stuff of major drama!
Nevertheless, this is, as someone described it, an endeavour, and we begin it tomorrow morning.
This is Di - in the second Museum they read some of his letters written while travelling and he said what a lot of fun he was having; so that's a challenge for us, to have fun too. And he makes his letters so entertaining - I don't know if we'll be able to keep ours similarly fun and engaging. You'll see, as we stride out....
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Ready for the Real Thing!

But it seems that our general plan of about ten miles a day should work fine, if we don't fall over or do anything stupid. It was a fun four days, you have casual conversations with lots of people, it's a very different lifestyle and rhythm to our usual London one.
It also turned out to be a bit of a 'Who do you think you are?' trip for me; we passed Porthmeor cove, just south of Zennor, where Parish records show that many generations of Polmears eked out a difficult existence since 1641 or earlier. (It was a bit of a depressing place, actually.) Then, north of Zennor, we watched a boatload of tourists right up next to the Carracks, some offshore rocks, watching a couple of seals in the swell. When I got home and checked, David and Henry Polmeor were drowned in a squall there in December 1833. This all sounds very Cornish and gloomy; I hope they had some good times among the bad. And the beach at St Ives, above, also called Porthmeor, is the best beach in the world.
Anyway, the walk itself wasn't depressing, and we leave on Saturday. So long as I can get to a computer, my next entry should be from Salzburg!

Friday, 22 August 2008
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Beginning to get real
In mapping out the stages, I find that the walk is 250 miles (longer than I thought), with about 7 miles of ascent overall. We've already raised about £12,000 in sponsorship so there's no turning back now!
We pay homage to Mozart at Salzburg (going by various trains), and set out on Tuesday September 2nd. Each day is about 10 miles, but some are much hillier than others. There are four main stages, each with a rest day at the end of it:
1. Ebenau, Fuschl, Schafberg, Weissenbach, Rieder Hut, Rindbach
2. Habernau, Steyring, Molln, Ternberg, Laussa, Maria Neustift, Waidhofen
3. St Leonhard, Gresten, Keinberg, Puchenstuben, Julius-Stiener Hut, Lilienfeld
4. Reisalpe, Unterberg, Hocheck, Heiligenkreuz, Perchtoldsdorf, Vienna
The way mainly follows Austrian long distance path number 4. If all goes according to plan, we'll be in a comfy hotel in central Vienna on September 28.
It won't, of course.